Monday, January 10, 2011

Data breach hits Commonwealth Solar - Boston Business Journal:

The quasi-public agency that administersw the program said a file containing the addresses and Social Security numbers of customer s and businesses was posted onthe MTC’s Web site for 50 minutezs June 25 before being take n down. The data breachy affected most of the people who applied for the As ofMay 31, 846 residentw had submitted applications. A security consultant hiredf by the agency found that one user accessex the file duringthe incident. “I sincerelt apologize to our customers for this incident and any inconvenienc or concern itmay cause,” Massachusetts Technologyh Collaborative deputy executive director Philip Holaha said in a statement.
“We are takingf all possible steps to protect our information and ensure that such a breacbh does nothappen again.” The agencyu will provide free credit-monitoring servicees to those affected by the breach and will review its internal data security and encryption protocols. It has also informexd the stateattorney general’s office as well as the Officew of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation, per an executiv order signed by Gov. Deval Patrick last year. Launched in 2008, the Commonwealth Solar program provides rebatesto individuals, businessezs and communities that install solaf photovoltaic systems on their property.
It is the majoer financial driver behind a state goal to install 250 megawattsz of solar in Massachusettsby 2017.

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